
Showing posts from June, 2024

Beautiful Thoughts

Look at the word UPSET what does it tell you? When one says today I am upset, Always motivate them by saying... Upset = Setting things up So people whenever you feel upset just set things up for you and see the magic unfolding with a whole lot of possibilities ✨️  Mrudul 

Because, But and Try 😇

BECAUSE AND BUT Because there is 'but' in our life we keep on 'trying' which only leads to another 'because' and that's the cycle of our destiny which we create on our own which then becomes an unending pattern or a loop in which we entangle ourselves till such time that we finally become aware of our choices and begin to choose from a different perspective which then gives a rise to multiple possibilities thereby allowing ourselves to outcreate our reality in other words our destiny. Mrudul 😇


Present is a gift which we normally give to someone on their special days. Eg. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries etc. What if we could take the real meaning of the word 'present'? Here it goes, according to my perception when we say a present it means literally being present... hope it makes sense... We always have this tendency of looking into future like what will I get in the future hope my job becomes stable so that future life becomes stable and set and so much more. We have a tendency of taking some good and major decisions of our life after something. Create a better today consciously so that it creates a conscious future. Being in the conscious present sets your frequency to raise which eventually raises your future. One of the important thing of being Present is being Aware. If we look at the word present it is Pre Sent which means a state or a space just before any thought, feeling and emotion is sent. Which itself is an Awareness. Awareness is instantly th